Know What You’re Trying For

“The way someone else perceives what you do is a result of their own experiences (which you can’t control), their own preferences (which you can’t predict), and their own expectations (which you don’t set). If your choices don’t match their expectations that is their concern, not yours.” -James Clear Are you trying to write aContinue reading “Know What You’re Trying For”

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Head Or Gut?

Remember the 1991, Tony Scott film “The Last Boy Scout?” It’s flawed but kinda awesome too and has attained “cult classic” status. In it, Bruce Willis plays Joe Hallenbeck, a formerly decorated but then disgraced Secret Service agent, who’s now barely getting by as a private investigator. He ends up getting paired on a caseContinue reading “Head Or Gut?”

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There’s A Chance?

Lloyd: “What are my chances?” Mary: “Not good.” Lloyd: “You mean not good like one out of a hundred?” Mary: “I’d say more like one out of a million.” Lloyd: “So you’re telling me there’s a chance….Yeah!!!” Who knows how it will turn out? But just like Lloyd here, all you need is a chanceContinue reading “There’s A Chance?”

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Yes, know the arc of the character you’re playing and the story you’re trying to tell. If for nothing else, information. However, under no circumstances whatsoever, should you “arc” your performance. We didn’t pay to watch you warm up, ease into it, modulate, pre-shape, know where you’re going, etc…Banish all thoughts such as “My characterContinue reading “Arc”

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“Who’s Coming With Me?”

You have your passion project. You’re on fire. Everything makes sense to you. Finally. You announce it to the world. And… …crickets. It’s a lot like this scene–which I love–from the movie Jerry Maguire. Just because it’s all so clear to you doesn’t mean it is to them. Your job as a producer is toContinue reading ““Who’s Coming With Me?””

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Who’s Buying?

“Peace sells, but who’s buying?” -Megadeath You can have the greatest product, the most beautiful piece of art, the perfect solution, the exact right medicine, the answer to their prayers, etc…but if no one wants it, does it even matter? And even harder on the soul, especially for the artist, is the uncertainty.  For the onlyContinue reading “Who’s Buying?”

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The Art In Your Appreciation

Our inspiring definition of art: “doing something that might not work in service of others.” Using this definition as our guidepost, we see that art isn’t only about making, it’s also about appreciating what others have made. Consider that when we appreciate, we risk two of our more valuable assets: our time and attention. WeContinue reading “The Art In Your Appreciation”

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