Sua Sponte

“Sua Sponte” is a Latin phrase that means doing something voluntary, or doing it “of its own accord.”

The U.S. Army Rangers (insignia pictured above) are known for the motto “Rangers lead the way.” It stems from the tremendous heroism and courage they displayed at D-Day. When they stormed the beaches at Normandy.

But the Rangers official regimental motto is “Sua Sponte”. It refers to “their ability to accomplish tasks with little to no prompting and to recognize that a Ranger volunteers three times: for the U.S. Army, Airborne School, and service in the 75th Ranger Regiment.”

Much like the Latin phrase, “Ars Gratia Artis” which means “art for arts sake”, if you set out to do something or lead others or make art…do it voluntarily. No prompting. No glory. No reward.

Just do it for its own accord. For the love of the thing itself.

Do it Sua Sponte.

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