Life Is Not A Movie Montage

“What if my best isn’t good enough?”

That’s a scary question to ask yourself.

And it’s why most people don’t attempt to do hard things.

Because it’s far easier to lie to yourself. You can always blame circumstances or external forces or hide behind the excuse that “If I really wanted to, I could’ve done it or been it.”

And as much as I love a great movie montage, life just doesn’t work that way. It’s not “If I do this, then I get this.” The reality and the big risk is that you could go all out, bust your ass, give it everything you got…and still come up short. In fact the odds say, especially when it comes to commercial success, that’s probably what will happen.

But you know what? At least you tried. You went for it. You chased down a dream. You showed true courage.

And no matter what happens, you’ll always be able to live knowing that.

P.S. – This scene.

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