Our Cognitive Biases

The excellent chart above is a comprehensive list of our cognitive biases.

Whether we admit it or not, when it comes to making decisions, we’re all prone to one or several of these. Factors like our background, current circumstances, age, peer group, life experiences, etc…play a part in determining which are the biggest culprits.

So, what to do with this intel?

Here’s a proposition…

For the next big decision you have to make, before deciding, do the following:

First, bring awareness to it. This is key. Be aware that we’re all subject to preconceived notions and cognitive biases.

Second, take a pause.

Third, identify which specific bias from the chart above, might be in play.

Fourth, give the decision some careful thought. Pros and cons, fear setting, and journaling are some good tools at your disposal. Utilize them.

Fifth, if you have a trusted friend or two, talk it out loud with them. (They may also shed some light on which cognitive bias most affects you.)

Then, decide.

You might still make the exact same decision as before. That’s cool. At least you now made it with eyes (and mind) wide open.

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