How To Overcome Indifference

The reason why the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference, is because love is not a feeling or emotion (like hate is). Per Aquinas, love is a willful ACT. Thus by definition, the opposite of act or action is NON-action, which is, indifference.

So, how to overcome indifference? Here are some keys or steps…

Step One…NOTICE. Pay attention. Break through all the world’s distraction. See the signal amidst the noise.

Step Two…TAKE IN. Allow yourself to be moved with compassion. One of the beautiful things about art is that it helps engender empathy for the human condition.

Step Three…ASK. When you notice and are moved by something, ask yourself what if anything, you can do about it. Don’t just be interested. Think hard about what you can do to influence. Write down a bunch of ideas.

Step Four…You probably can guess this one…ACT. Based on your ideation, take one small step in the name of love. Voila! You are no longer indifferent.

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